Early Years Foundation Stage
In our Early Years we have high academic ambition for all children. Our curriculum is designed to provide rich, varied and imaginative experiences that enthuses, engages and motivates children to learn and achieve.
We nurture children by providing learning opportunities through a mixture of high-quality play and adult led sessions. Using this approach, children benefit from meaningful learning experiences across all seven areas of the Early Years curriculum, enabling them to make links in their learning and to the wider world.
A language rich environment and core texts are used as a key stimulus for learning develops vocabulary and language skills for all children.
The teaching of phonics has a high priority in the Early Years. Little Wandle is used to ensure that phonics is taught systematically in order for children to build their knowledge and skills effectively. Children are taught through discrete phonics lessons as well as having regular opportunity to explore phonic activities within the learning environment.
The implementation of our Early Years curriculum and care practices in place promote and support children’s emotional security and character development. The commitment to holistic development and clear focus on the prime areas of learning enables children to develop social and emotionally, providing and strong foundation for learning later on in their schooling.
Development Matters
At St Joseph’s, Early Years practitioners use Development Matters to support the early learning of young children as part of daily observation, assessment and planning.
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