Opening Times
School Hours
School starts at 8.45am
The school gates are open from 8.30am. The school gates shut at 8:45am. Please make sure you are on school site by this time as your child may be marked late.
Lunch begins at 12.00pm
School finishes at 3.15pm
The afternoon session begins at 1.00pm and ends at 3.15pm.
All the children have two 10-minute breaks in the morning.
No responsibility is accepted for any child not collected after 3.25pm, unless the child is involved in an after school club. You must ensure that you have made arrangements for your child to be collected if you are unable to. You should also inform the school office if you are not able to collect your child by 3:25pm.
School office hours are 8.30am - 4.00pm
If you need to contact the school outside of these hours, please either send an email or leave a voicemail on the school phone number: 01474 533515
Late Arrival:
If your child arrives once the school gate has closed, please ensure that you sign them in using the ipad in the school office. Please see the instructions on how to sign in below;
- Select ‘Pupil’ in the top right corner of the tablet
- Select ‘Late Arrival’
- Type in your child’s name and select it when it appears on screen
- Type in your reason for being late
- Scroll to the bottom and click ‘Check In’
A pupil’s punctuality is a legal requirement and the parents / carers of a pupil who is persistently late are guilty of an offence. The law treats persistent lateness in the same way as irregular attendance and parents / carers can be prosecuted if late arrival is not resolved. Pupils who arrive late disrupt not only their own education but that of others and being persistently late may also lead to truancy. Poor punctuality may indicate problems within the pupil’s home which the pupil may need help to deal with. For some pupils, arriving punctually may be beyond their control.
The start of the school day is 8.45am and the end of the school day is 3.15pm. If a child arrives between 8.45 and 10.00am they are marked in as ‘late’. If they arrive after this time they are marked in as having an ‘unauthorised absence’. For Health and Safety purposes, they will be recorded as being on the premises in the Late Book.