Our learning of Geography at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School is achieved and embedded as part of our ‘Creative Curriculum’: a creative and stimulating approach which enables the children to have varied opportunities to be ‘Geographers’. Our curriculum is rich in vocabulary and allows children the opportunity to learn about their local area, as well as the world around them. Children communicate, collaborate, think critically and have the opportunity to express their learning creatively.
In their learning, we intend for our children to: gain locational knowledge and understanding of globally significant places, oceans and countries around the world; learn geographical skills, including how to interpret a range of sources of geographical information and how to collect, analyse and communicate data in a variety of ways; engage in fieldwork and observational studies within the local area; extend their love of learning through question-based enquiries and research- promoting awe and wonder about the world that we reside in; develop a recognition and commitment to consider sustainable development and an appreciation of what ‘global citizenship’ means.
Cross-Curricular Links
Through our ‘Creative Curriculum’ approach to learning, we encourage the children to make links with their learning and use the connections between geography and other areas of the curriculum. Cross-curricular links are developed with subjects including: History, Art and Design, RE ,RHE, Design and Technology, English, Music and Maths.
Physical Education
There are lots of planned opportunities for cross curricular learning between geography and P.E. Particularly when the Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA) units of work are taught. During these lessons, children develop their map reading abilities using our school orienteering maps. Skills covered during these sessions include (but are not limited to): identifying terrain, finding a location on a map, using a legend (map key), directions, how to use a compass, 4-figure and 6-figure grid references and how to use orienteering signs.