In Year Admissions
Dear Prospective Parents, St Joseph's is a Catholic School to be proud of. We endeavour to promote the values of Christian faith throughout our daily life. Pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum. We constantly review and evaluate the achievements of the school. St Joseph's strives to achieve a good partnership between Governors, Staff, Parents and the Parish of Our Lady of the Assumption. We firmly believe that everyone can develop their talents and it is important to recognise success in all forms. St Joseph's has developed an excellent reputation based on the quality of education provided and its distinctive Catholic nature. We provide a loving and caring community.
Our latest Ofsted inspection in January 2023, recognised the school to be 'outstanding'.
St Joseph's Virtual Tour:
Frequently Asked Questions:
What documentation is required:
Please see below the following forms / documentation that is required:
KCC In Year Admission Form
Supplementary Information Form
Baptism Certificate
Birth Certificate
x 2 proof of address
N.B. The above documentation will need to be original documents for us to check and photocopy.
Please note if an application is incomplete and we are lacking necessary information this will hold up the process of admissions.
How many children are on the waiting list?
This is a question that has many variables, for example; Baptised Catholics with all of the correct documentation submitted to the school will take precedence, (please see our admissions criteria)
As and when a space becomes available, we will look at our waiting list and refer to our criteria and rank them accordingly. So this is a very hard question to answer.
When will I hear if my child is successful?
We will only get in touch with you if a child that currently attends St Joseph's leaves our school which means a space has opened up or we will write to you annually to enquire if you still wish to remain on our waiting list.
If your child is successful, the school office will formally offer you a place, which you will need to provide written confirmation accepting your place. You can still accept the offer even if your child has already started at another school.
How many children are on the waiting list?
We receive multiple in year applications, which means the numbers fluctuate on a regular basis. It would be difficult to provide a definitive number.
What can I do if I was unsuccessful in getting a place for my child at your school?:
The guidance from Kent County Council about the appeal process can be found on their website at the following links:-
2025 Appeals Timetable
If your child is due to start primary school in September 2025, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Wednesday 16 April 2025).
You must submit your appeal before Tuesday 20 May 2025 for it to be considered by Tuesday 22 July 2025. Any appeals received after this time will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline, or where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.